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Enabling Conversations with a Persona for Illiterates

Dive into the world of AI to create a voice chatbot that bridges the digital divide for illiterates. Your challenge is to craft an intelligent and empathetic digital companion that can converse naturally, offering a seamless and confidential communication experience.

  1. Support multiple local languages and dialects to enhance accessibility.
  2. Include features for continuous context understanding in conversations.
  3. If possible, utilise open-source models for reasoning, speech-to-text, and text-to-speech (e.g., Mistral, coqui-ai TTS).
  4. Incorporate user feedback mechanisms to improve conversational quality over time.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Figma (Optional): Provide a link to your Figma design / prototype for your project.
  2. GitHub Repository: Provide the link to your GitHub repository containing all the relevant source code and project files.
  3. Deployed Link: Share the link to the deployed version of your project. For web applications, consider hosting on platforms like Netlify or Heroku. If it's a mobile app, upload the APK to Google Drive and provide a public link.
  4. Walkthrough/Presentation: Create a concise 2 to 5-minute maximum screen recording. Walk through key features, functionalities, and any unique aspects of your project. Clearly articulate how users can interact with and benefit from your solution. Ensure your presentation covers essential details without exceeding the time limit.
Access Free OpenAI API Keys!

Limited OpenAI API keys available at no cost for your hackathon project. Reach out here with your use case, and get keys for Speech-to-Text, Chat Completions, Embeddings, and more. Keys deleted post-hackathon.

Explore Models

You have the freedom to explore a wide range of models for your project. Not limited to the following options:

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Suggested Approach

Day 1 - 2: Conceptualization & Design

AI/ ML & Data Science Specialists:
  • Research and select open-source AI models suitable for speech recognition, natural language processing, and text-to-speech.
  • Begin working on language and dialect recognition capabilities.
Product Management & Product Design:
  • Define the target user base and their specific needs.
  • Sketch out the user journey and chatbot interaction flow.
  • Plan for an inclusive design that supports multiple local languages and dialects.
Backend Development:
  • Set up the server, database, and APIs needed for the chatbot.
  • Start integrating the chosen AI models.

Day 3 - 4: Development & Testing

Frontend Development:
  • Develop a simple, intuitive, and accessible user interface, considering the needs of illiterate users.
  • Implement voice input and output functionalities.
AI/ ML & Data Science:
  • Fine-tune the AI models for accurate speech-to-text and text-to-speech conversion.
  • Work on context understanding and conversation continuity features.
Product Design & Management:
  • Conduct initial user tests with prototypes to gather feedback.
  • Refine the user interface based on feedback.

Day 5: Refinement, User Feedback Integration, & Presentation

All Team Members:
  • Integrate feedback mechanisms into the chatbot for ongoing quality improvement.
  • Conduct extensive testing to ensure reliability in various dialects and languages.
  • Finalize the project, focusing on usability and privacy aspects.
  • Prepare a presentation showcasing the chatbot's capabilities, user experience design, and its potential impact on bridging the digital divide.
Other Problem Statements
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